Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Update - DemoCare - The Less than "Affordable" Care Act

President Barack Hussein Obama (POTUS/Barack Insane Obama/BIO) is the worst President in the U.S. history.  The American people have been deceived twice.  The Affordable Care Act (Obama Care/DemoCare) is the opposite of affordable.

When the act was being debated BIO said that the average premium for the American family of four or more would drop by $2,500; the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that instead of a drop, the average premium is actually RISING by $7,500.

BIO also said of DemoCare that if we like our doctors and like our insurance we get to keep them.  Both of which has turned out to be FALSE.  Tens of thousands of medical providers have taken early retirement rather than deal with the thousands (some say tens of thousands) of pages of DemoCare regulations.  Many insurance providers have abandoned many markets forcing thousands of insured into the State-run exchanges.  So much for the promises.

BIO also placed a thirty hour per week cap on the definition of a full-time employee; many employers have reduced full-time hours so that they don't have to comply with the train wreck DemoCare regulation.  Employers include Home Depot, White Castle, and IBM to name a few.  Other employers have stopped expansion plans.  All of this has made the economic recovery anemic at best.

BIO also refuses to deal with the clear hypocrisy of granting exemptions to Congress its employees, many Federal workers, and big labor.  He won't take DemoCare for himself or the First Family.  That speaks for itself.

The Senate which is controlled by Harry Reid (D-NV) and the Democrats have blocked every effort made by the House of Representatives and Senators Cruz, Paul, Lee, and Rubio to reform DemoCare.  That is what lead to the government shutdown, that is the subject for a different day.  BIO until this week has stated over and over again there will be no negotiations.

Let me see if I understand our esteemed Campaigner In Chief.  He will meet with and negotiate with the dictator Asad (Syria), Rouhani (Iran), and Poutin (Russia) but refuses to give the respect their office deserves to duly elected AMERICAN Congressional leaders.  He also touts the virtues of the Muslim Brotherhood and refuses to deal with Terrorism in both the USA (Boston) and in the Middle East.  Does any of this make sense to any clear thinking American?

This is from the Heritage Foundation.  It gives an on point analysis of the state of DemoCare.
Obamacare's Secret Is Out 10/15/2013
Timing is everything. And just as Congress’s focus seems to be drifting from Obamacare’s ravages on the economy, Americans are learning the reason this law’s implementation was postponed until after the presidential election.

That reason is becoming clear as person after person opens the mail. Insurance costs are going up. For many, not just going up—skyrocketing.

Ross, a married father of three small boys in Florida, tells us his insurance will be going up $525 per month. “I feel completely helpless,” he says.

Kevin, who also has three small boys, just found out his wife's individual health insurance premium will be jumping from $79 per month to $311.82 per month.

“For whom exactly is the Affordable Care Act making care affordable?” asked Kevin, who lives in Alabama.
>>> Read here about how to send us your insurance hikes

But this isn’t all. While people are receiving notices that their premiums are going up or perhaps their health plans are being discontinued, there’s a secret in Obamacare’s exchanges, too.

One of the reasons the Obamacare website has been so slow and glitchy? It requires people to enter personal information before they’re able to see insurance plan options. Health and Human Services does this so that if you’re eligible for a subsidy, you won’t see the true cost of your health plan.

Obamacare is laden with mandates that are driving up the cost of health insurance. And it didn’t stop with the original law. Federal bureaucrats are continuing to write more Obamacare regulations. One estimate is that these paper pushers have added 30 words of regulations for every word in the original law.

No small tweak to Obamacare can fix this. No small tweak can give relief to these hard-working dads who are supporting their families and getting the wind knocked out of them by hundreds of dollars in insurance hikes.

If Congress does anything less than defund Obamacare, it is turning its back on all of these suffering Americans.

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