33 Reasons Why Ted Cruz Should Be the Republican Nominee and the President of the United States
1. The organizational depth of his conservative network and reach into the local areas of America.
2. Elections today require candidates to possess certain skill sets in order make strategic moves the beginning of te race, the vision to se through all the obstacles ahead of time, never losing focus on the message and mission and ultimately winning the end game. Ted Cruz possesses all those four skills.
3. Ted Cruz is a man of integrity, a man of his word and a ‘Natural Born Citizen’.
4. His Conservative Consistency.
5. His keen problem solving ability to handle both foreign and domestic issues while inspiring an informed citizenry.
6. His boldness.
7. His gift of communicative intelligence to redirect a trouble-making liberal media on-the-fly, along with his ability to shutdown the mindless, idiotic, ADHD behaviors of the liberal comedian talk show hosts in order to refocus their minds and audience’s minds audience’s to stay on subjects if importance.
8. Ted Cruz’s ability to inspire his base ‘so much so’ he inspires an army of passionate grassroots conservatives to win ground game in every city and state.
9. His unique ability to unite all Americans regardless of race, gender, or political background.
10. Senator Ted Cruz has the judicial background as Supreme Court Justice Rehnquist’s Solicitor General, which will become real helpful in reversing all the UNCONSTITUTIONAL and LAWLESS acts Barack Obama (a so-called constitutional lawyer) inflicted upon America.
11. He will audit the Federal Reserve.
12. Ted Cruz will abolish the IRS and end the IRS power to harass American citizens for their beliefs.
13. He will stop taxpayer money going into the hands into the hands of those who want to destroy us.
14. Ted Cruz will defend parental rights.
15. He will repeal Common Core.
16. Ted Cruz will protect the freedom of speech and freedom of inquiry of all Americans.
17. He is a defender of State Rights and is dedicated in empowering states with tools to help leaders run their States efficiently with less regulation.
18. He has a direct understanding of how the federal government can work better with the states, and as a Senator, has had a working experience
19. He has a greater depth of PROVEN problem solving perspective how a how laws affect the average person and how government regulations and how government regulations can hurt economic freedom and paychecks of Americans who are trying to make ends meet.
20. He has sought economic policies helping and economically empowering every single American in all 50 states.
21. Ted Cruz has a Big pro-jobs and economic growth agenda. He will protect more American jobs from going overseas and stop the unfair trading practices of China.
22. He will secure the border and stop Illegal amnesty.
23. He will sign in to law a balanced budget amendment.
24. Ted Cruz will end corporate welfare and stop Democrat Socialists firm allowing big corporations and monopolies to direct the economic policy of our nation.
25. Ted Cruz will rein in Judicial Activism.
26. Pass fundamental tax reform, making taxes, flatter, simpler and fairer. The Ted Cruz fair tax plan will put more money in the hands of the American people.
27. Pursue all means possible to repeal Obama Care and give us the freedom to choose our own health insurance keep our own doctor and force the health insurance companies to compete to give us all lower rates.
28. He will defend America’s interests, National Security nationwide, America’s interests and its border integrity.
29. Ted Cruz is a defender of Internet Freedom and will stop Obama and Democrats from giving over control of the Internet to the United Nations and Communist Russia’s and China’s influence and oppression.
30. His quick thinking ability to open the minds with communicational intelligence, even convincing those who are use to voting liberal democrat to realize that they were conservative all along.
31. Ted Cruz will prevent Government imminent domain of the American’s private property.
32. Ted Cruz will defend the law-abiding American citizen’s 2nd Amendment constitutional right to own and operate an effective firearm.
33. His proven track record holding both political parties accountatable to the American people, stopping the corruption in both political parties, opposing and exposing the power grabbing tactics politicians use to take advantage of Americans, and his experience being attacked by a socialist government controlled mainstream media and both the Republican and the Democrat establishment which he calls the Washington Cartel.
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