Saturday, March 19, 2016

Why I am a Supporter of Ted Cruz Part I

Why I am Voting For Ted Cruz?

I am a 150% supporter of Ted Cruz.  I have been following him since his run for the Texas Senate.  I was careful to vet my support of any candidate.  I initially like what Rand Paul was saying and took the time to vet Senator Paul as well.  I am not an emotional person.  That is, I realize that as human beings we all respond to emotions, but my motivation is not primarily emotional.  I am logical and a deep thinker.  This perhaps what attracted me to Senator Cruz.  He is also one of the smartest, sharpest, and most profoundly deep thinkers the conservative movement has had in many decades.

I am attracted to his policy positions.  His no-nonsense approach is straight forward and his two-fold ‘I will always tell the truth’ and ‘I will always do what I say’ was a HUGE draw to me and I am sure to other Christians who have been massively disappointed in the direction the Republican Party has drifted since they assumed control of both houses of Congress in 2014.

I am a Mormon.  Before anyone gets all excited in a negative way about my faith, and a public endorsement of Senator Cruz, just keep in mind that one of the strongest constitutionalists we have in the Senate, Mike Lee, comes from the State of Utah and is also a Latter-Day Saint.  There are thousands, if not tens-of-thousands of conservative Mormons throughout the United States that stand as supporters of conservative causes such as the right-to-life, the second amendment, a balanced budget amendment, and a litany of other Christian-oriented conservative causes. 

Other significant causes include living by the rule of law and securing the southern border, and enforcing the existing undocumented immigrant violators and returning them to their country of origin.

I am also a Ezra Taft Benson Constitutional Conservative.  For those who don’t know what that means check out this site.

Ezra Taft Benson was the Secretary of Agriculture under Dwight D. Eisenhower.

He was also President of the Mormon Church and taught for many years on the subject of the importance of our constitution.

This brings me full circle to Ted Cruz.

Ted is a committed principled defender of the constitution.  He knows it.  He lives it.  As President he will be guided by it.  He will not be steered by the progressives who have taken over our government, our education system, our business community, and indeed our culture and our Republic.  He stands for returning our nation to the gold standard and auditing the Federal Reserve System.

As I have vetted Senator Cruz, his faith as a committed Christian was an important part of the process for me.  He loves the Lord.  He is a committed family man and from what I can tell he is committed to his beautiful wife and daughters and would never do anything to besmirch their confidence in him.

I am a family man also.  I have been married to the love of my life for more than thirty (30) years.  We have six (6) children and three grandchildren so far.  Their destiny, and their children’s destiny is why I am supporting Ted Cruz.

He is the only committed constitutional conservative that is qualified for this time and that God has raised up to restore and preserve our Republic.  We must unite and we must be sure that he secures the Republican Party nomination and then we must be sure that no Democratic Party trickery that the Clintons are famous for, is allowed to steal the general election.

We must prevail!  Run Ted run!


It is Decision Time

The rock solid conservative base will not support Trump under any circumstances.  Neither wills the conservative base be supportive of either of the establishment candidates who are remaining in the race.  These establishment candidates are Rubio and Kasich.  It is the Democrats have clobbered history that every time that the Republican Party has selected the establishment middles the Republican Party in a major way.

2016 will either be the year of the conservative recapture, or, it will be the year of the year that Barack Obama has extended his tenure by Hillaryizing the next four years.

Constitutional conservatives, evangelicals, Mormons, and Christians of all varieties will not embrace another centrist-mushy middle Republican that is a Democrat-lite. 

The Republican leadership will say Trump isn’t that bad.  He is talking about making America great again.  He is also talking like a true conservative. 

Trump is no conservative.  He is a liberal populist that is only interested in ‘winning’ as Trump defines winning.  He does not define exactly his policy positions other than he is going to build a wall on the southwest border (which he claims he will have the Mexican government pay for) and we will win…which he does not define other than we will be so nauseated of winning we will beg Trump to stop his ‘deals’ and the growth of the economy.  Again, Trump does NOT define how all of this is to be accomplished.

For many the immigration issue is the red line; for others it is the right to life for the unborn; and yet for others it is the namby-pamby wavering on the second amendment is the issue.  There are a large number of issues including term limits, a balanced budget amendment, and elimination of common core and the 10th amendment States rights issues, and elimination of the IRS and wholesale reform of the tax code are the hot-button issues.

Any fundamental compromise and movement to the mushy-middle establishment will cause the Republican conservative base to stay away from the polls and will guarantee another Democrat victory in 2016.

The mainstream Conservative Base, those evangelicals, conservative Mormons, Jews, Catholics, and conservative Christians and others of all conservative persuasions will never accept Trump as the nominee. 

These conservatives of traditional families demand that their candidate be a true constitutionalist and one who is governed by a strong internal moral code and is governed to the rule of law and has demonstrated through decades of experience by his conservative and can on a moments notice define and defend any conservative cause and issue and what policy he shall take during the first 100 days of his administration and beyond.  There must be no doubt of his commitment to reorganizing the Supreme Court based on the strict interpretation of the Constitution and by an examination of his judicial opinions not by a promise of what he will do into the future.

So the Republican Party has a decision to make.  Are they willing to risk it all by shunning a true constitutional conservative and embracing a populist?  Are they going to reject a proven track record of conservative accomplishments for the notion of electability and a desire to once again move towards the center and the mushy Karl Rove middle?  The risk that the Republican Party is taking is profound beyond any level of comprehension.  If Reince Preibus and the GOP leadership embrace either Trump or any establishment RINO that is electable, the conservative base will do a ‘Romney’ on either Trump or the RINO establishment-selected moderate.


33 Reasons Why Ted Cruz Should Be the Republic Nominee and the 45th POTUS

33 Reasons Why Ted Cruz Should Be the Republican Nominee and the President of the United States

1. The organizational depth of his conservative network and reach into the local areas of America.

2. Elections today require candidates to possess certain skill sets in order make strategic moves the beginning of te race, the vision to se through all the obstacles ahead of time, never losing focus on the message and mission and ultimately winning the end game.  Ted Cruz possesses all those four skills.

3. Ted Cruz is a man of integrity, a man of his word and a ‘Natural Born Citizen’.

4. His Conservative Consistency.

5. His keen problem solving ability to handle both foreign and domestic issues while inspiring an informed citizenry.

6. His boldness.

7. His gift of communicative intelligence to redirect a trouble-making liberal media on-the-fly, along with his ability to shutdown the mindless, idiotic, ADHD behaviors of the liberal comedian talk show hosts in order to refocus their minds and audience’s minds audience’s to stay on subjects if importance.

8. Ted Cruz’s ability to inspire his base ‘so much so’ he inspires an army of passionate grassroots conservatives to win ground game in every city and state.

9. His unique ability to unite all Americans regardless of race, gender, or political background.

10. Senator Ted Cruz has the judicial background as Supreme Court Justice Rehnquist’s Solicitor General, which will become real helpful in reversing all the UNCONSTITUTIONAL and LAWLESS acts Barack Obama (a so-called constitutional lawyer) inflicted upon America.

11. He will audit the Federal Reserve.

12. Ted Cruz will abolish the IRS and end the IRS power to harass American citizens for their beliefs.

13. He will stop taxpayer money going into the hands into the hands of those who want to destroy us.

14. Ted Cruz will defend parental rights.

15. He will repeal Common Core.

16. Ted Cruz will protect the freedom of speech and freedom of inquiry of all Americans.

17. He is a defender of State Rights and is dedicated in empowering states with tools to help leaders run their States efficiently with less regulation.

18. He has a direct understanding of how the federal government can work better with the states, and as a Senator, has had a working experience

19. He has a greater depth of PROVEN problem solving perspective how a how laws affect the average person and how government regulations and how government regulations can hurt economic freedom and paychecks of Americans who are trying to make ends meet.

20. He has sought economic policies helping and economically empowering every single American in all 50 states.

21. Ted Cruz has a Big pro-jobs and economic growth agenda.  He will protect more American jobs from going overseas and stop the unfair trading practices of China.

22. He will secure the border and stop Illegal amnesty.

23. He will sign in to law a balanced budget amendment.

24. Ted Cruz will end corporate welfare and stop Democrat Socialists firm allowing big corporations and monopolies to direct the economic policy of our nation.

25. Ted Cruz will rein in Judicial Activism.

26. Pass fundamental tax reform, making taxes, flatter, simpler and fairer.  The Ted Cruz fair tax plan will put more money in the hands of the American people.

27. Pursue all means possible to repeal Obama Care and give us the freedom to choose our own health insurance keep our own doctor and force the health insurance companies to compete to give us all lower rates.

28. He will defend America’s interests, National Security nationwide, America’s interests and its border integrity.

29. Ted Cruz is a defender of Internet Freedom and will stop Obama and Democrats from giving over control of the Internet to the United Nations and Communist Russia’s and China’s influence and oppression.

30. His quick thinking ability to open the minds with communicational intelligence, even convincing those who are use to voting liberal democrat to realize that they were conservative all along.

31. Ted Cruz will prevent Government imminent domain of the American’s private property.

32. Ted Cruz will defend the law-abiding American citizen’s 2nd Amendment constitutional right to own and operate an effective firearm.

33. His proven track record holding both political parties accountatable to the American people, stopping the corruption in both political parties, opposing and exposing the power grabbing tactics politicians use to take advantage of Americans, and his experience being attacked by a socialist government controlled mainstream media and both the Republican and the Democrat establishment which he calls the Washington Cartel.


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

#TedCruz the #TrueREAGANite

#TedCruz is the ONLY #TrueREAGANite and #ConstitutionalConservative running for #POTUS i 2016.  He has prepared himself for decades from the time he was a high school-aged adolescent, to the time he attended Princeton, Harvard Law School, Clerked at #SCOTUS and became solicitor general for the State of Texas and much more.  He has prepared for decades defending constitutional cases and religious liberty.  He is the #TrueREAGANite and the legitimate heir of the #RonaldReaganLegacy.

#TedCruz embraces the #RonaldReaganLegacy of #ConservativeValues.


Mormons for Ted Cruz

#TedCruz is the ONLY #TrueREAGANite and #ConstitutionalConservative running for #POTUS i 2016.  He has prepared himself for decades from the time he was a high school-aged adolescent, to the time he attended Princeton, Harvard Law School, Clerked at #SCOTUS and became solicitor general for the State of Texas and much more.  He has prepared for decades defending constitutional cases and religious liberty.  He is the #TrueREAGANite and the legitimate heir of the #RonaldReaganLegacy.

Many Conservative groups have #endorsed #TedCruz.  There are thousands of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) who are conservatives and embrace #ConstitutionalValues.  These thousands of Mormons are supporters of #TedCruz.

#TrusTED #CruzCrew #AlwaysCruz #NeverTrump


Convert ISIS to WASWAS

Bacon Fat Bombs

I have an idea to fight ISIL/ISIS that will not cost a lot of money. It involves no 'boots on the ground'. Fill military grade balloons with bacon or pork fat. Use these as smart bombs and drop these pork bombs in ISIS/ISIL controlled Syria/Iraq/Yemen. No real destruction to property. No loss of life. Just pork fat covered Jihadis everywhere. I tell you the pork fat bombs will destroy the faith of the radical Islamic lunatic fighters.

Monday, February 29, 2016

The #Trump & #FoxNews Fraud

Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity and other so called ‪#‎Independent‬ and ‪#‎ConservativeCommentators‬ on ‪#‎FoxNews‬ appear to be shocked that Donald J. Trump is doing so well in the polls and in the actual Republican Primaries.

Why are they shocked when they and other media providers are co-conspirators in the rise of Trump as the major candidate?

I am mortified by the actions of so-called conservatives like ‪#‎SeanHannity‬who have embraced the likes of the ‪#‎RepublicanProgressiveDonaldTrump‬for the media it is all about ratings.

The American people are being scammed by the mainstream liberal media, like #FoxNews, #SeanHannity, ‪#‎TheKellyFile‬, and ‪#‎BillOReilly‬ as co-conspirators with ‪#‎DonaldTrump‬. It is one of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated on the American people since ‪#‎Watergate‬. Patriots, citizens, and fellow Americans do NOT fall for it!

Constitutional conservatives, evangelicals, Mormons, and Christians of all varieties will not embrace another centrist-mushy middle Republican that is a Democrat-lite. 

The Republican leadership will say Trump isn’t that bad. He is talking about making America great again. He is also talking like a true conservative. 

Trump is no conservative. He is a liberal populist that is only interested in ‘winning’ as Trump defines winning. He does not define exactly his policy positions other than he is going to build a wall on the southwest border (which he claims he will have the Mexican government pay for) and we will win…which he does not define other than we will be so nauseated of winning we will beg Trump to stop his ‘deals’ and the growth of the economy. Again, Trump does NOT define how all of this is to be accomplished.

For many the immigration issue is the red line; for others it is the right to life for the unborn; and yet for others it is the namby-pamby wavering on the second amendment is the issue. There are a large number of issues including term limits, a balanced budget amendment, and elimination of common core and the 10th amendment States rights issues, and elimination of the IRS and wholesale reform of the tax code are the hot-button issues.

Any fundamental compromise and movement to the mushy-middle establishment will cause the Republican conservative base to stay away from the polls and will guarantee another Democrat victory in 2016.

The mainstream Conservative Base, those evangelicals, conservative Mormons, Jews, Catholics, and conservative Christians and others of all conservative persuasions will never accept Trump as the nominee. 

These conservatives of traditional families demand that their candidate be a true constitutionalist and one who is governed by a strong internal moral code and is governed to the rule of law and has demonstrated through decades of experience by his conservative and can on a moments notice define and defend any conservative cause and issue and what policy he shall take during the first 100 days of his administration and beyond. There must be no doubt of his commitment to reorganizing the Supreme Court based on the strict interpretation of the Constitution and by an examination of his judicial opinions not by a promise of what he will do into the future.

So the Republican Party has a decision to make. Are they willing to risk it all by shunning a true constitutional conservative and embracing a populist? Are they going to reject a proven track record of conservative accomplishments for the notion of electability and a desire to once again move towards the center and the mushy Karl Rove middle? The risk that the Republican Party is taking is profound beyond any level of comprehension. If Reince Preibus and the GOP leadership embrace either Trump or any establishment RINO that is electable, the conservative base will do a ‘Romney’ on either Trump or the RINO establishment-selected moderate.