Thursday, January 17, 2013

Presidential Report Card

I grew up in the 1970s.  I lived through Nixon and Watergate.  I was of the opinion that Richard Milhous Nixon was the worst President in our history and the biggest threat to our liberty.  Then came "The Peanut Farmer", Jimmy Carter.  Carter's claim to fame was the Iran hostage crisis.  While not as "evil" as Nixon, Carter was the most incompetent of  all Presidents in modern time.

I have to change my opinion.  The greatest threat to American Liberty has been Barack Hussein Obama.  He is a greater threat to our Liberty than OBL.  He shouldn't even be President because he wasn't born in the United States.  What has he accomplished?  His negative achievements include:

  • Destruction of the United States Economy;
  • Obama Care (the impact has yet to fully unfold on our society);
  • Highest level of debt ever;
  • Threatening the Constitutional Protection of the Right to Bear Arms;
  • Benghazi
  • Hundreds of Golf Games
  • Many "vacations" to Hawaii
As a people, we deserve the impact of our own stupidity.  If we have been foolish enough to elect, and then reelect POTUS, we deserve what we get.  Unfortunately, we will pay a really high price for our collective stupidity.

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