Friday, October 18, 2013

More of the "DemoCare" Debacle

More of the “DemoCare” Debacle

Kathleen Sibelius has been a central player in the “DemoCare” project. She is the Secretary of Health & Human Services, a cabinet-level post. She has stated,

The Data Hub has been built and ready to go!”
The web site has been designed to be pretty consumer friendly and easy to access.”
The Data Hub is built and ready to go!”
I am confident we are on track and ready to go on October 1st!”
It even has the chat feature that you are use to when shopping on-line...”

According to Fox Business News anchor Stuart Varney, all those statements were made by Sibelius just prior to the launch on October 1st (2013). Where is she now? Indeed, where is the architect of “DemoCare” now? She is resisting all efforts to testify before Congress.  Where is her lord & master “O” (Barack Insane Obama/BIO/Campaigner-In-Chief/Chief Transformation of America Officer)?

Members of the Congressional “Energy and Commerce Committee” have reported that Secretary Sibelius has so far been “MIA” and has refused to appear before that Committee next week (week of 2013-10-25). It appears that the Benghazi-style stonewalling has extended itself to yet another Cabinet-level Secretary. We have been told that the “O” would enact the “most transparent” administration. If you still believe in the “hope-n'-change” Campaigner-In-Chief I have some swamp land you might be interested in.

Insurers report that the data coming from HealthCare.Gov is a jumbled mess. Problems include:

  • Duplicate Enrollments
  • Spouses Reported As Children
  • Missing Data Fields
  • Suspect Eligibility Determination
Source: Wall Street Journal as reported on “Cavuto-Fox News”

Remember we, the American Taxpayers, spent hundreds of millions of dollars to get the DemoCare Web Site “ready” for the October 1st launch. How do you like the “hope-N'-change “ Administration (aka “...the MOST transparent administration...” in our history?

This has been provided by the same people (“O” and confederates) who also claim to be able to administer the new healthcare law—the IRS. You remember them, the agency that is charged with tax enforcement and targeted patriot groups prior and following the 2012 Election.

Still believe in “hope and change”?

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