Monday, October 21, 2013

Should We Participate In Halloween?

I am a Mormon. That is I am an "active" member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Yesterday, when I went to our Sacrament service, there was a flier included in the bulletin promoting the upcoming multi-ward Halloween "Trunk-Or-Treat". This has gone on for years. Once again I will refuse to participate because it is my belief that no one who professes a belief in Jesus Christ, or who claims to be a disciple of the Master should be celebrating Halloween which ultimately is a holiday of the dark one, the adversary. In fact, the Book of Mormon shows us how we can "know" for sure whether or not that is so. See Moroni 7:16-19 (

This isn't a problem that exclusively falls at our (LDS) doorstep many Christian denominations promote similar activities. I believe it is shameful for anyone who professes to be a disciple of Jesus Christ to embrace this holiday.


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