Wednesday, November 6, 2013

DemoCare--AKA The Affordable Care ACT (ACA)--ObamaCare

The Affordable Care ACT (ACA)

Fraud In the Inducement
J.C. Winegardner

The legal doctrines of “fraud in the inducement” and “promissory estoppel” prevent the enforcement of an agreement/contract if it was agreed to under fraudulent circumstances . Under Federal and/or State law if one party induces another party to perform a certain act based upon a lie (or series of lies) can't the deceived party get out of the “agreement” based upon the fraudulent inducement?

“DemoCare” (Affordable Care Act/Obama Care) clearly was enacted under fraudulent inducements. The law (of the land, as so many liberal progressives are fond of calling it) has harmed millions of lives. It needs to be halted, all policies need to be restored, and those harmed need to be made whole.

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